Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Three Things I Learned from Unemployment

My first day of work at my new job is tomorrow, so I thought it was a good time to reflect on the ups and downs of unemployment. Here are my three pieces of advice:

1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
If your world revolves around your job, then you will spin out of control when it's taken away. Make sure other things are there to fill your time. Explore other interests, try new things, and take the time to figure out if what you've been doing is what you want to keep doing.

2. Don't turn on the TV, or you may never turn it off.
The Today Show leads to Ellen, then it's time to flip over to the Food Network, and by the time Oprah rolls around, you've spent the whole day distracted. Instead, take 20 or 30 minutes and go for a walk -- exercise and a break in one.

3. You will find a job.
Don't be disheartened. You will go back to work, so enjoy the free time you have doing things you enjoy, not sitting in front of the computer all day hitting refresh on job sites.


  1. This is good advice, and I needed to hear it. Thanks!

  2. I can soooo relate to #2. Although I am employed at the moment, I was unemployed a year or two ago. I would find myself accidentally wasting an entire day watching an America's Next Top Model marathon. And I don't even really like that show!

  3. I spent all of last Spring unemployed and I can relate to everything on this list! Unemployment is rough, but it all works out. Good Luck with the new job!

  4. Congrats on the job!! Oh yeah your #2 is ever soo True!!!

  5. Good luck with the new job tomorrow. And the advice is spot on.

  6. You gave some really well thought out advice.... 1 and 2 are easy enough to fall into so your warning is appropo. Depression sneaks in so easily; much better to get out and do for others, be active and be positive. And I guess you were, because you found a job! Congratulations and good luck!

  7. Very good advice! Have a great first day tomorrow!

  8. eggs can be very fragile...it takes a lot of care to hatch them and then one day they are all grown up and giving sage advice.

  9. Good luck at your job! Good points too :)

  10. good luck with the new job - I hope I'm working again soon. excellent advice - especially about the tv

  11. These are so very true. When I lost my job 2 years ago, I definitely went through a sort of grieving process. Very wise to get up and out :)

    Good luck at your new job!

  12. Love this egg pic. Good luck with your new job.


  13. Great post! That TV thing is so true. And congratulations on your new job!

  14. All very true. I'm glad you've stayed so positive! Hope your first day was wonderful! :)

  15. all good tips! good luck on your first day!

  16. hang in there lady! so much daytime cooking to be had, with or without the tv on in the background!

  17. this is the best and so true! good luck with the new job.
