Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Sweets

I finally jumped on the popsicle bandwagon and bought the molds that I saw here and here. They make me very happy, as do the popsicles they contain. For my first attempt, I went with a strawberry peach flavor since both were readily available in my kitchen. Perfectly sweet, cold and smile-inducing, all the things you want on a hot summer day.

*For you aspiring popsicle-makers, you can find the molds on Amazon. I had to run them under warm water to slip the popsicles out, but otherwise, they're pretty great.

Frozen Strawberry-Peach Pops
Recipe courtesy of Country Living

1/2 cup sugar
6 ounces strawberries, hulled
6 ounces peaches, peeled and pitted
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Bring 1/2 cup of water and the sugar to a boil and let cool. Puree the strawberries, peaches, cooled syrup, lemon juice, and 1/2 cup water in a food processor. Fill five 4-ounce paper cups or popsicle molds with the strawberry-peach mixture. For paper cups, place on a tray, cover securely with plastic wrap, and pierce a popsicle stick through the plastic into each cup. For popsicle molds, follow manufacturer's instructions. Freeze until solid.


  1. These look great! I am going to have to try this out!

  2. Those are beautiful AND look delicious!!

  3. we bought molds and they broke the first day... heartbreaking!! yours look incredible. xox

  4. Those look so delicious! I'm jumping on this bandwagon too -- I am def trying these out!

  5. yum! Those look & sound absolutely delicious!

  6. Where did you get the molds? I wanted to make a popsicle recipe I saw in InStyle...couldn't find molds anywhere!

  7. Yum!! Strawberries & peaches!! It looks soo refreshing :)

  8. Yummm, these look amazing!! xoxo

  9. What a perfect summer afternoon popsicle. Refreshing! Love the flavor you chose:)

  10. Jaime,
    I found them on Amazon. I just added a link to the post.

  11. What a great idea for Summer! Looks so refreshing!

  12. what a fun idea! they look so delicious! they're gorgeous. nice pictures!


  13. It even lookslike a giant strawberry!

  14. I LOVE popsicles in the summer! I bought some popsicle molds a few years ago for 99 cents at Ikea and I love them. I make juice bars and pudding pops!

  15. Oh my dear goodness! So YUM and so FUN! Love love love.

  16. I was just reading something in InStyle last night about making your own popsicles. They had a recipe with peaches and prosecco that sounded delish. And now here are more popsicles. I think I might just be swayed to jump on the bandwagon for some summer fun. Yum.

  17. Thanks for adding the link!

    Becca- that's the recipe I want to try too :)

  18. Yum oh yum and I love the molds!!! Sending you a sweet hug! xo

  19. They look so yummy! I have been wanting some of the popicle forms but am waiting and hoping to catch some on clearence at the end of the summer.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  20. These sound incredibly delicious! And I like these molds. I haven't seen some that look like this before!

  21. I too am very obsessed with these popsicle devices! So cute. Dying to do it with pureed watermelon and lime. xxSAS

  22. Wow! This is lovely. I really have to try it for a summer party or something!


    Best wishes from one blogger to another,


  23. Yay! If my popsicle mold wasn't in NYC (I'm in ATL) I would whip up a batch of these asap.

  24. These look too delicious!! My kids would love to make their own popsicles, I must find some molds!!!
