Monday, August 30, 2010

Blackboard Bistro

This weekend, I went to a newly opened restaurant in Seattle called Blackboard Bistro. It was cozy and quaint, and the food was comforting and delicious. The dish that drew me there was Frogmore stew, also known as a low country boil. It's a one-pot mix of seasoned corn, potatoes, shrimp and sausage, normally served up in coastal areas of Georgia and South Carolina. It's a dish I grew up with, so I was shocked and thrilled to find it on a menu in Seattle. I have to say, it hit the spot as did the beer-battered okra and the cherry upside-down cake with white chocolate ginger ice cream. The menu is ever-changing (since it's just written in chalk), so I'll have to go back again soon.


  1. YUM! That looks delicious! I love restaurants and cafes tthat display their menu on blackboards!

  2. Mmm I'd love to try that stew! The food looks good, well presented. Great restaurant!

  3. chalkboard menus basically scream "amazing restaurant." love knowing that the menu's not set in stone.

  4. that corn looks amazing. i love it all chopped up in chunks like that.

  5. Look at those yankees trying to rename the south!

  6. I have never heard of that stew, but it looks delicious!!

  7. the Frogmore stew looks delicious! I'll have to try and make something like it one of these days.

  8. Yum! I've never heard of this place, what a find!
