Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's Good to Be Back

Well, the husband and I made it cross-country and we're in NYC! It's good to be back -- back to the city and back to blogging. I've missed you! A huge thanks to all my guest posters! You ladies are the best.

My parents are in town helping us get settled, assembling furniture, taking us out for yummy meals, and cramming a Seattle apartment's worth of items into a more modest New York City apartment. Why are moms so good at unpacking?

On top of all that, tomorrow is my birthday. I've almost been too busy to notice, but I'm excited for a weekend spent with family and friends in my new home.


  1. hooray! so excited to hear about your trip.

  2. Welcome back! So glad you made it safe and sound! Happy Birthday and have a great weekend of settling in!

  3. so glad it went well! happy birthday and enjoy getting settled in! xo

  4. Congrats on arriving in New York City and happy early birthday!! I'm sure you'll have a lot going on in the next few days. Remember that little walks in your new neighborhood do so much good.

  5. Oh happy birthday for tomorrow! Good luck with all the unpacking!

  6. Congratulations, Welcome back, and Happy birthday:)!!

    Have a wonderful weekend with your family... in your new home.

  7. Wow! Congrats on making it here and a big warm welcome to you and your hubby.



  8. Yay you made it! So great you have family with you too. Funny, my parents are in NY right now too. Have the happiest of birthdays!!! Congrats again on the move.

  9. so glad to hear from you and that you made it. have a great birthday!

  10. Yay! So exciting! Glad the trip went smoothly and happy early birthday!

  11. Yay! You made it! I hope you're enjoying your new city. I completely agree Mom's are the BEST at unpacking. Every move I've ever done my mom tackles the kitchen and it's packed and organized before we're even officially moved in!

    Have a fantastic birthday tomorrow!!

  12. Mom's are great at unpacking! Mine was a lifesaver when we moved.

    That's right! I forgot that you have the same b-day as my hubby. Have any fun plans? You should step away from unpacking and go do something fun!

    Have a great day, and glad you made it safe!

  13. What an exciting birthday! A new city!!! Happy bday:)

  14. Yay! I've missed your blog! And hello Mr. and Mrs. P!

  15. Glad you made it in one piece! Hope to see some pictures from the trip up when you get a chance and happy birthday!

  16. Glad you made it! Mom's do make unpacking awfully easy don't they? I would probably still have boxes around if my parents hadn't come up to help us!

  17. Yay you are back!! Happy Early Birthday!! XO

  18. wow, this must be birthday week - hope you have a great one. yes, no one unpacks like a mom!

  19. Happy, happy birthday! Hope you had a perfect day. Glad to see you made in one piece after the long journey.
    I got back from NYC last weekend. Such a great city - wish I could have stayed another week!
