Tuesday, November 9, 2010

For Love of the Pomegranate

Have I ever mentioned how much I love pomegranates? I think they're the most beautiful fruit. I've long wondered if those gorgeous, shiny, ruby-like seeds could be made into jewelry of some form, but I'm afraid they would rot on my neck.

The pomegranate is truly the star of this simple fruit salad, which is currently my favorite breakfast and after-dinner dessert option as I remind myself to put down the peanut M&Ms. Making and eating this fruit combination could be the best 10 minutes you spend all day. And bashing the pomegranate is particularly therapeutic in a Dexter sort of way, just beware the splatter.

Antioxidant Fruit Salad
Recipe courtesy of Nigella Lawson and the Food Network

1 mango
1 cup blueberries
1 pomegranate
2 teaspoons lime juice

Cut the mango in half around the stone, and then criss-cross the flesh of the mango halves with a knife into 1/2-inch squares. Push the diced mango flesh outwards and then slice off the squares from the skin into a bowl. Tumble in the blueberries, then halve the pomegranate and bash out the seeds with a wooden spoon over the mango. Finally squeeze over the lime juice and serve.


  1. Yum, I love fruit salad, but have never put pomegranate in it before! To be honest, I've never eaten an actual pomegranate fruit--only flavored juices and stuff! I must try this one day!

  2. I would love some of this fruit salad right now:) Looks so good:)
    Kisses my dear

  3. pomegranates are my favorite fruit. I hate that you can't get them year round! I might have done a happy dance in the market when I noticed they're back in season.

  4. Song of Solomon iv. 13: "Thy plants are an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; camphire, with spikenard"

  5. Yum! This looks so fresh and delicious!

  6. Is it so terrible that I've never eaten pomegranate!?
    I should try it...

  7. This is soo perfect for combating rainy day blues. I grew up on tropical fruits and this looks like a little bowl of jewels, especially those pretty pomegranate seeds! Thank you for sharing :)

  8. This looks like the most delicious fruit salad. I am most definitely stopping at the grocery store on my way home from work today! YUM.

  9. I adore them too! Fall just isn't fall without a pom!b

  10. This looks absolutely delicious. The first time I had a pomegranate was in NYC actually -- the seeds frustrated me a bit and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to eat them or not, but what a fantastic flavor they have.

  11. Mango, pomegranates.... yummy! Two of my very favorites right there!

  12. I love pomegranates!!!! One of my all time favorite fruits and that salad looks delicious!

  13. I love pomegranates - great idea!

  14. I love pomegranate season!!
    So beautiful, so delicious.

  15. I love that you referenced Dexter splatter! HA. This looks amazing :) xo

  16. those colors are unreal! so gorgeous.

    xo Alison

  17. mmmm this looks amazing...I love pomegranites. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love the title of yours...

  18. agreed! pomegranates are delectable. I nearly tried to reach through my computer screen and take a bite of that fruit salad by the way.

  19. looks DEElish! I love pomegranates, but I never know how to pick em. how do you know when they are ready and delicious??

  20. Sounds good! And it looks so pretty!

  21. Great recipe! I've never used them before, I can't wait to try it out!

  22. What a fun twist on the traditional fruit salad, looks fun and tasty!

  23. Yum!! I keep seeing pomegranates in the grocery store and want to purchase one. Now I may have to go and get one. Thanks!

  24. I am currently obsessed with pomegranate seeds! Putting them in everything from salad to yogurt. This looks delicious!

  25. yummmy... i need something sweet right now!
    Thank you for joining the Ex-Presso / Blog couture giveaway! I hope you'll win! ;)


  26. pomegranates are my absolute favorite! i was giddy when i saw they were back in stores!
