Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Weekend!

It's a college friends reunion this weekend. One is engaged, one is pregnant, one has been living in Spain for the last year, and then there's me. We'll need several brunches to cover everything. What are your weekend plans?

Enter this week's giveaway if you haven't yet!


  1. I'll be doing at least two brunches this weekend -- and running a half marathon. Have a fantastic time with your friends!

  2. Hey now!

    I believe one of those lovely ladies just finished a move across the country to NYC as well!

    Onward to Irving!

  3. good lookin' crew ...tell the girls i'm doin' shrimp and grits tonight. come on down to savannah.

  4. This sounds so much fun! Have a great time!

  5. Your weekend sounds wonderful. I love catching up with old friends. I plan on cooking, taking pictures and watching movies.

  6. I'll be spending lots of lovely single girl time with my other single girlfriends... flea market trips and girly brunches :) Have a lovely weekend darling
    xox tash

  7. Have fun! And then there's you who made a bold move across the country to live in NYC–pretty cool if you ask me:) Have a great weekend!

  8. nothing beats a girls weekend and catching up with old friends. have an amazing time!

  9. sounds completely lovely.

    i love brunch and i love friend time, so this sounds like a perfect way to spend a weekend :).
