Wednesday, November 3, 2010

On the Move

I love these moving announcements despite the fact that I'm too preoccupied unpacking/lazy to send any of my own out. I figure if someone really wants to send me mail, they'll find me. In a Batman sort of way.

[Ella Mae Designs; Old Sweet SongInner Realm DesignsBlondie]


  1. Those are really sweet..I love the first one so much:)

    Ps: I am hosting a sweet GIVEAWAY later on today! Please, join in!

  2. I'm glad you're in the same time zone now! I get to read you in the morning instead of having to wait until the middle of the day :)

  3. Definitely focus on unpacking first -- I always find it's hard for me to function like a normal human being until I'm unpacked and everything is put away. Once that's done then you can worry about details like sending out cards like these.

  4. what a cute idea. I love it!
    Happy unpacking ; )

  5. Oh I love these too!!! Happy unpacking...we will be doing the same thing soon. xoxoxo

  6. agreed. they can always text you to find your addy. and if they don't have your digits, you probably don't want them to know you addy anyway. ; )

  7. I love these! but I like the idea of you having some sort of SoHo shaped bat signal so people can find you even better.

    good luck with the unpacking!

  8. Aw. Thanks for including my little design!

  9. The living out of boxes one is so cute (and true!)
    Are you living in Seattle now? I love Seattle, what a great city to move to. :)

  10. i love the first one its so cute!

  11. i love them!!!

  12. They are gorgeous! We recently sent some out when we moved! I loved them!

    Love your blog!
    Rachie xo

  13. I like your attitude. I'd rather rely on Batman tactics than snail mail, any day... actually, I'm just not organized enough for mass snail mailing. :)

  14. Hahhaa, I know what you mean. Great blog! Thanks for visiting mine!
    I'll be back :)

  15. mystery solved. I kept thinking that you were in Seattle :) Best wishes for unpacking and moving in...what an exciting time in your life...enjoy!
