Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Souffles Are Our Friends

I've always felt intimidated by the idea of making souffle. It's right up there with macarons for me, but this recipe was simple and unscary, and the results turned out light and delicious. Gently folding egg whites into chocolate is actually kind of fun, and while the finished versions do deflate fairly quickly, they're still pretty adorable. So yes, I've decided souffle is my friend.

I halved the below recipe, made two over the weekend and stuck two unbaked souffles in the refrigerator (all baked up beautifully) to save as an impressive, romantic Valentine's dessert. And when I say impressive, I mean I definitely made an impression on my husband as he watched me wolf down a souffle after finishing my steak. And when I say romantic, I mean sweatpants were definitely being worn.

Chocolate Soufflés
Recipe courtesy of Bon Appétit

12 ounces high-quality milk chocolate (I used semi-sweet and I liked it), chopped
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
2 large egg yolks
Pinch of salt
6 large egg whites, room temperature
2 tablespoons sugar

Butter eight 3/4-cup soufflé dishes; sprinkle with sugar, tilting cups to coat completely and tapping out any excess. Arrange prepared soufflé dishes on large baking sheet. Combine chocolate and cream in large metal bowl. Set bowl over saucepan of barely simmering water and stir until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Remove bowl from over water. Stir egg yolks and salt into chocolate mixture. Using electric mixer, beat egg whites in another large bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually add 2 tablespoons sugar, beating until semi-firm peaks form. Using rubber spatula, fold 1/4 of beaten egg whites into chocolate mixture to lighten. Fold remaining egg whites into chocolate mixture in 2 additions.

Divide chocolate mixture among prepared soufflé dishes, filling dishes completely. Can be made 2 days ahead. Refrigerate uncovered until cold, then cover and keep chilled. Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 400°F. Bake soufflés on baking sheet until puffed and tops feel firm, about 16 minutes if at room temperature and about 18 minutes if chilled.


  1. yum! those look amazing and they don't sound too difficult, either. i like that they can be made ahead!

  2. i always thought souffle was one of those desserts that was really difficult to make, but it seems pretty simple.

    such a pretty dessert :)

  3. ha! that's funny and sounds perfectly romantic to me :) i love chocolate souffle, but lately i've been wanting to tackle a blue cheese souffle!

  4. I was always afraid to make souffles as I thought that they are really hard to do but this recipe sounds great. Im going to give it a try:) Thanks,sweetie

    Ps: I’m hosting an adorable shoes GIVEAWAY later today! Just in time for spring!

  5. These look absolutely delicious! You did a great job!

  6. Oooo Souffles!! I've never even thought to make them! It's one of those desserts I leave for restaurants to do. BUT I did start a bake-a-treat every week thing & these look scrumptious so I might have to try!! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  7. I've never tried souffles. All I'm missing from my supplies is the heavy cream -- and the ramekins. But both of those can be remedied this weekend...

  8. Yum! I HAVE to make these sometime soon. They look absolutely delicious.

  9. yum!! definitely need to try this sometime!

  10. I want some now! I will have to find some time and try making those. Yum!!

  11. I've made it a goal to, this year, make a souffle! This sounds like an excellent recipe for me to try. (Also on the list: homemade pasta.)

  12. ahahaha fantastic! You crack me up! I just love a good souffle. I have to be honest, one of my favorites is a cheese souffle. Just to die for! I think I covered it in my blog somewhere at some point but yes, absolutely deeelish!
    xxo tash

  13. haha... impressive! a great way to wow the hubs. :)

  14. Martha watch out! this look SO delicious!

  15. Yumminess! Well done, it looks awesome! And I am sure it was just as yummiful as it looks!

  16. This looks so amazing! Mmmmm! Thanks for sharing! xo

  17. Those look great! I need to try to make them soon!

  18. YUM OH YUM!! IT is such a perfect time of year for souffles!! Yours are beautiful!!! Funny, but I just checked out your souffles :) LOL!

  19. Yum! And your impression on your husband and sweatpants made me chuckle : )

  20. They look so yummylicious! Xoxo ♥

    Rocio R.

  21. wow... they look delicious. gonna try to make them. tnx for the recipe!

  22. yum!! looks delicious. I need to get some ramekins stat.
