Friday, February 25, 2011

Thoughts of the Week

Best quote from a doorknob ever. 

A shy peacock is still a pretty one.

I think I'm going to start collecting bottles.

Peach cake? Yes, please.

Lemon bread? Don't mind if I do.

If happy were a color, it would be this one.

A garden wedding with macarons, teacups and a poofy dress -- my little heart can't take it.

I never really thought about the fact that pancake contains the word cake.

I'll be enjoying the weekend with the above Mast Brothers chocolate, some pizza and the Oscars. What are your plans?


  1. mast brothers has the best packaging! i love the anchors.

  2. i'm in love with that garden wedding, too! love the whole whimsical, alice in wonderland feel to it.

    hopefully, i'll get to catch the oscars as well. i'm really interested in who will win this year.

  3. I cannot get enough of that garden wedding or peach cake. Great posts.

    I also plan on catching the oscars and catching up on some necessary (and procrastinated) cleaning.

  4. I love the bottles! I hope you have a good weekend!

  5. I hadn't planned on making Mast Brothers chocolate a part of my weekend originally but I think that will have to change. I have some lovely brunches and time with friends lined up -- I'm quite excited. Have a fantastic weekend, darling!

  6. Hahah, that quote is awesome. I love that!

    And all those yummy baked goods look fantastic! Yumminess to be had!

  7. wow, that wedding is lovely. the bride's dress, the bridesmaid dresses, and the parasols... sigh.

  8. oh, and the chirpy bird is one of my faves. =)

  9. THANK YOU! this just made my weekend :) That wedding is just ridiculous too...amazing!

    xx tash

  10. I love the beautiful bottle collection. The peacock photo was gorgeous.

  11. I enjoyed these links...very interesting bloggers! We are having a low key weekend, thank goodness. A busy past weekend and a busy week call for some relaxation.

  12. Wonderful links! Thanks for sharing! Have a lovely weekend! xo Samantha

  13. Great links! The quote is fantastic, that peach cake is now on my mind, and now I want to collect glass bottles too! As for the "happy" colour, I totally agree....I just did my first etsy treasury all about this happy colour!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  14. Oh what a pretty French garden wedding.. sigh.

  15. So glad I found you again! I got a new laptop in December and lost a lot of my bookmarked pages. Now I'm gonna follow!
