Friday, March 4, 2011

Enjoying the Sunset

Sometimes I feel like a girl without a country -- or a state, I should say. It's particularly evident when issues of Southern Living, New York Magazine and Sunset arrive in my mailbox simultaneously.

Sunset is a magazine I fell hard for while living in Seattle. It's all about beautiful living in the western U.S. and despite the fact that I've returned to my home coast (the eastern one), I can still appreciate the decor, gardens, getaways and recipes available to those on the other side of the country.

Sunset's countdown to spring made me particularly giddy, and now I'm daydreaming about hiking amidst wildflowers, indulging in seasonal desserts, painting with a bright color and making a fresh-from-the-garden salad in my home away from home away from home.


  1. that strawberry crostada looks amazing! i love rustic desserts since they're hard to mess up.

  2. We have a beautiful country! Enjoy the scenery :)

    That salad is so pretty.

  3. I can't wait to break out my easel this weekend. The tease of spring has me inspired!

  4. That first photo is gorgeous!

  5. i am OBSESSED with sunset, but every time i get one in the mail it makes me want to move out west. they have the best recipes too. have a great weekend friend!

  6. Ooh, I should order a subscription!! Those photos are stunning - they've really got me so ready for spring too! :) I can't wait for the warmer weather and sunshine and flowers!

  7. That Strawberry Crostada just made me weep... I feel exactly the same way, Autumn and Spring are my favorite times of year. The produce is so specific and everything is so plentiful. Love this
    xx tash

  8. LOVE sunset too! my friend jess has worked there for ages so i always try to keep up with the lovely articles and photos.

  9. That first image is one of the most beautiful vibrant images I've ever seen! I long for the same thing....

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Wow! All of these colors in these pictures are absolutely amazing. I'm in love.

  11. I love getting a new magazine in the mail. Isn't it amazing how something that simple can inspire? Carla

  12. Sunset by far is one of my favorite magazines. Have a great weekend. Sending you hugs. xo

  13. I have to check out Sunset -- I have a feeling I'm going to fall in love the instant I set eyes on the pages. Isn't it strange to be torn between so many different parts of the country? I just need to travel more.

  14. I've had the pleasure of shooting for Sunset magazine. Love it. It really is one of the most inspiring all around mags out there.
    I think you have the best of both - a little west and a little east!

  15. Wow, these photos are very inspiring. We don't have that magazine in Montreal, but it looks great!
