Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Take Note

I'm a list-maker. At any given time, there are three Post-its in my purse filled with reminders and to-dos. They don't get thrown away until everything gets crossed off. No offense Post-its, but these library note cards are way cuter and look at all that extra space for listing things.


  1. Much prettier way to take notes!

    Enter my royal wedding week giveaway! It's an adorable tea cup necklace!

  2. I also am a list maker. However, I write the lists and then lose them. It's a lose-lose situation. I'm at the store and I just buy everything.

  3. I'm addicted to making lists too. I do most of mine on the computer, but if I had library cards like these, I might just return to writing them again.

  4. How adorable!!! I love note pads. My favorite right now is a day by day menu listing that has space for a grocery list! It's so helpful!

  5. Very cute! I also have post-it notes everywhere. I often stick them to the back of my phone so I don't forget!I love the colors of these cards.

  6. OMG!! These are too cute! I too am an avid List-Maker. These are perfect!

  7. I think that my life may fall apart without constant lists and these would make that task so much more enjoyable :)

  8. Hahaha--Love these. I also always have post-its in my purse..You never know when you are gonna need one. The more colors, the better.

  9. I LOVE making lists too! I have them everywhere & these ones you have here are tres adorable! xo

  10. i'm a list maker too!!

    i love these! so colorful too!

  11. Colorful library cards - I totally dig.

  12. Those remind me of my school days! I just love to be the first to write my name on a library card. Carla

  13. I am a list addict too! Funnily enough works well at work but not so good at home - I keep forgetting to look! These cards remind me of when I was young and yearned to be a librarian! Perhaps you could date stamp the items once they're done!

  14. love those! I so need them - great find!

  15. The library note cards are a much prettier way to make my multiple to-do lists! Like you, I write many many lists. And I love them all equally. :)

    Thanks for your comment at Big Mario today. I'm now your newest follower!


  16. Very Cute! I'm getting better at making lists =) I usually forget stuff

  17. WAY better than post its :). this definitely just got pinned to my pinterest!

  18. I am a list maker too! And you are right, way cuter that post it notes!
