Thursday, November 17, 2011

Seeing Red

I just heard about this book called A Shade of Red by photographer and illustrator, Alyson Fox. It features 100 women in different stages of life, from different places, with nothing in common, except they've all been photographed in the same shade of lipstick, Revlon’s #740 Certainly Red. Such a cool idea! I might have to go pick up a tube since it seems to work on everyone.


  1. This made me look twice, cool book

  2. Oh wow, I love this idea! Great pictures.

  3. i chickened out on the red lipstick thing this summer. maybe winter is the time to cave. red lips, pale face, wind-burnt red cheeks? probably still not gonna do it.

  4. I love red lipstick! I wish I had a reason to wear it more often!

  5. I own many red lipsticks and rarely wear them! This has inspired me to dig them out!

  6. Love it! A pop of red is always good. The idea is brilliant!

  7. such a fabulous idea. i wanna try that red now too!

  8. In general I'm not a huge fan of the color red, but there's something special about red lipstick! My favorite is Red Square by NARS.

  9. wow, there's not a single person in either of those photographs that doesn't look good in that lipstick. might it be the "magic shade"?

  10. I love this idea, too. I wish I could pull off red lipstick... I'm not quite brave enough to venture outside the house with it on. (yet.)
