Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend in Photos: Washington D.C.

On Friday, we took the bus down to D.C. to see our friends Annie and Anthony for the weekend. It was a great visit with some of our favorite people, complete with delicious food (in particular, a fantastic meal at Founding Farmers), sightseeing and one gorgeous sunset. The weekend went by much too fast, but otherwise, it was perfect.


  1. this makes me miss home! i will have to try founding farmers when i go for a visit in december. i've heard lots of good things about it. glad you had a fun weekend!

  2. beautiful pictures and the food looks delich!

  3. You always have such lovely pictures from your adventures!

  4. looks yummy. i was in the a restaurant one time that had a ton of pickling stuff up and i asked the waiter if they use it. and he said no it's been there since they opened 10 years ago. :) so when i see pickling stuff i wonder how long it's been there. lol

  5. i've never been to washington dc but these photos are enough to make me want to go! gorgeous sunset :)

  6. So glad you enjoyed DC! It was my first quiet weekend here and having that time to relax and not be rushing around felt so good. And I've heard very good things about Founding Farmers -- I'm definitely going to have to check it out.

  7. i was at founding farmers this weekend too :) we had popcorn and cornbread appetizers--fantastic!

  8. You were in my neck of the woods! :) Love your pics - the WWII Memorial is my favorite.
