Monday, January 23, 2012

Lessons Learned at Alt Summit

I spent the last few days at the inspiring and overwhelming Alt Summit in Salt Lake City. After a canceled flight left me stranded in Detroit on Wednesday night, my arrival to Salt Lake was all the more anticipated. The conference is held at the beautiful and enormous Grand America Hotel. So much information, so many awesome parties and so many talented, sweet and funny people all in one place. I spent most of my time taking notes, collecting business cards, trying to dress cute and eating a whole lot of chocolate. Here are my takeaways:

1. Be yourself. It's about the blogger, not the blog.

2. You can never have too much sparkle or too many photo booths.

3. There's always more you can do, so don't be discouraged. Just make a list and start checking things off (with the new pencils and notepads from your Alt gift box).


  1. i am totally going next year. i feel so left out! hate that your flight got cancelled but love that you had a great time!

  2. I've been so envious seeing everyone's tweets and photos from Alt! My takeaway from these has been that balloons make everything better.

  3. great photos, looks like an awesome time!

  4. Alt Summit seemed so lovely! I really like lesson number three- I feel like that's always important to remember, even when you don't have new pencils from your alt summit gift box!

  5. it was so much fun, i'm obsessed with photo booths now! wish we could have said hi. love seeing your pics of familiar places and faces.
    xo, m

  6. I love the photos...It looks like a great time.

  7. Perfectly stated, friend. Now let's go kick some ass. xo
    p.s. that photobooth picture is awesome! Why are we so good looking?

  8. I didn't attend Alt...and am a little weepy about it. But, in checking out the site found your blog. Love! I'm a Southern girl living in NY - and love entertaining. So, SoHo is mighty appealing to me!

    Love your take aways. Guess I'll make do with the iomoi pencils on my desk to start my list! :)

    ~ Elizabeth

  9. Sounds like you had a great time! I want to go next year!

  10. Oh this sounds like so much fun!!

  11. Can anyone attend Alt Summit or is it an invitation only event? It sounds very inspiring, I'd love to attend sometime but not sure if I'm in a big enough blog to participate. Thoughts?

  12. Michelle, anyone can attend! I think you'd really enjoy it! It ranges from people who are just starting their blogs to huge superstar bloggers. Anybody is welcome!

  13. how cool. i've been interested in attending ... but feel a bit intimidated ... was this your first time? maybe i'll make it my goal for 2013!
