Friday, March 30, 2012

Thoughts of the Week

In my mind, this cake tastes like sweet tea with lemon. Yum.

Even I can read these maps.

Living in a garage might not be so bad.

I thought mint green would be my go-to spring color, but it might just be flamingo pink.

And of course, pink clothes call for a pink dresser.

It's possible to make blood orange soda even tastier.

How to look chic come rain or shine.

There's something so pretty about paint drips when they aren't on your walls or furniture.

I want to throw a crepe party and shout Oprah-style, "You get a crepe! And you get a crepe! And you get a crepe!"

Happy Friday! Thanks for visiting and commenting! Sometimes I forget to say that, but I'm so very grateful for each set of eyes on this little blog.


  1. Crepe party sounds totally awesome:) Have a great weekend, dear. xo

  2. At your crepe and Oprah comment, I do that all the time! When I'm passing things out but most people don't get it. I love that you mentioned that!

  3. Ha, Freya! If we knew each other in real life, I would laugh every time you said it.

  4. I'm definitely a fan of Flamingo pink for this Spring :) Happy Friday!

  5. tell me about it...that cake...I have looked at it, for what feels like weeks...

  6. I loved Melanie's crepe party, too! Crepes are my go-to meal when I have no groceries that could be made into something resembling a meal. Flour, eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla. Check, check, and check.

    And thanks for the link! Have a great weekend!

  7. I want to throw a party in a mini garage house with a menu of crepes and lemon black tea cake, then wash it down with a blood orange spritzer. And all the guests have to wear something flamingo pink. How cool would that be??

  8. omg. so fun. thanks for sharing, love. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. xo

  9. Your crepe party idea seriously made me laugh out loud. Have a great weekend! -LR

  10. i love your link posts, i have found some new lovely blogs just because of you:)

  11. That garage is was just missing a flamingo pink dresser.

  12. Hey there! Thank you for the knack love! :}

    hope you had a wonderful weekend!
