Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Painting for Beginners


Over the weekend, I took a painting class arranged through Course Horse. It's a website that sets up New Yorkers with classes in all sorts of things like wine-tasting, cooking, dancing, knitting and, in my case, a beginner painting class at The Art Studio NY. I haven't painted much other than furniture, but everyone in my family paints, so I decided to give it a shot and see if there's any natural talent there. Sadly, I don't think artistic ability is a genetic trait (see finished product above), but I still had a lot of fun.

We recreated one of Picasso's works, focused on mixing colors and layering paint. The environment was fun and relaxing, and the class consisted of about 10 people, so you got lots of one on one attention. You really can't beat dabbling in pretty colors, while listening to music and drinking red wine, so I might even give painting another try. Although, a swing dancing class is pretty tempting too.

Thanks Course Horse for the opportunity! And thanks to Shoko for passing my name along to them!


  1. Oh wow what a cool course...red wine and music? Sign me up! You did great!


  2. Your Mother must own your first painting. It's a rule I think.

  3. With all the artistic talent from your parents....why wouldn't you be fantastic. Keep up the good work. Every painting is exponentially better!

  4. I think for your first try--it turned out great. That is such a cool thing to try. And I agree, wine, music and painting--sounds awesome.

  5. What a great idea! I love taking classes in new stuff! And Hey, you're painting looks good!

  6. It looks great! Sounds like a really cool concept. Painting does seem fun, but I can definitely say that swing dancing is a blast!

  7. I love combining painting with wine tasting class–my "art" always looks better!

  8. You are so welcome! That class sounds like so much fun - and your painting looks awesome!
