Thursday, August 2, 2012

Game, Set, Match

In the last couple of years, I've become a matchbook hoarder. If I see them out at restaurants, my eyes light up and I think, "Free matches! Grab, grab, grab." I guess it's not completely unhealthy because I do actually use them. Although, I have ended up comparing the quality of matches, and I definitely have favorites that I try to avoid using, so they last longer. So there's just a tiny bit of crazy to my collection habit. Do you collect anything?


  1. I tend to grab matches too :)

    I'm an avid collector of pint glasses of breweries that I visit... this is not the smartest thing to collect, given my nomadic lifestyle. oops!

  2. When I moved away from Oregon last year, I started collecting post cards. Not new post cards, but really only ones. Black and white especially. I'll hunt out an antique store or vintage store and see if they have post cards. I do end up using some of them to send home too. I just think they look way prettier then new ones.

    I also love collecting old black and white photos. I just think they're beautiful.

  3. now I'm sitting here trying to think of something, anything that I collect. nothing! how sad.

  4. i grab special ones here and there's fun to look back and rememeber the restaurant & occasion!

  5. Such a beautiful collection!

  6. Ha! I do the same thing with matchbooks!

    Quiet Luxury

  7. John and I collect wine corks–they're in big vases in our bedroom. And do wedding mags count as a collection, or just a weird obsession? :)

  8. Penguin published John Steinbeck books with the bright orange spine! And corks and matches.

    I have the Mermaid Inn matches, too :)

  9. I've been collecting matches for about 7 years now and I have so many, from favorite restaurants, trips, college bars, everything. I love looking at them from time to time to remember the good ol days.
