Thursday, February 28, 2013

February Photo Project: Treasure

vintage ruby ring

February has almost come to a close, which means it's time to share the photos you took this month of the things, places and people you treasure. I chose to photograph a ruby ring that belonged to my Grandma Hazel. Her daddy gave it to her, and she decided that I should have it a few years ago. It's nice to look down at your hand and immediately think of someone and what they mean to you. Here are a few more images from fellow bloggers.

Kayla of Exquisite Banana captured these gorgeous roses and said flowers are one of her most treasured pleasures.
Jessie of Sweet Thing celebrated her 10-year love affair with Los Angeles.
And all this gorgeous sparkle is courtesy of Kelsey at Pinegate Road.

If you want to share one of your treasure photos, just leave a link below! I'll announce the March photo theme next week. Thanks for participating!