Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend in Photos

Jonah's parents arrived in town, and so far we've had meals at Otto and Peels, two of our favorites. At this rate, I'll have gained 5 pounds by the time they leave. On Sunday night, we watched the Oscars, which was made far more enjoyable by good company and a table full of puns. We decided the tastiest dish would determine the Best Picture winner, and the Argo Stuff Yourself French Toast proved victorious, so congrats to Ben Affleck for that as well. How was your weekend?


  1. My weekend was very relaxed and nowhere near as indulgent as yours! The food looks delicious!

    I did watch the Oscars, very interesting. I loved Anne Hathaway!

  2. Always love reading your recaps - so fun! And your Oscars party - wonderful! :)

  3. Ah, your weekend looks delicious! I only saw a little of the oscars as jet lag was in full swing. I'm so happy Argo won!!

  4. Well damn! I wish I watched the Oscars with you... Those mini pancakes in my mouth please!
