Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chicken Perfected

I'm sharing a tip on cooking chicken by way of one of my favorite food sites, The Kitchn. When Jonah and I eat chicken, I usually cook thighs because white meat can end up dry and bland all too easily, but thanks to this foolproof method for moist chicken, I'll be switching things up.

You just brown the chicken breasts in a skillet for one minute, flip them, cover them and leave them untouched for 20 minutes, 10 minutes with the heat on low and 10 with the heat turned off. Wham, bam, perfect chicken breasts. I used this method for the chicken I added to a roasted vegetable soup over the weekend and was amazed. It was a "Jonah! Come try this!" moment. And then we had to stop ourselves from eating it all, so there'd be some left for the soup. I hope you give it a try too.

[full "recipe" found here: cooking perfect chicken breasts]


  1. I love the kitchn, and I've been meaning to try the chicken trick since they first posted it. Now I'm going to have to go buy some chicken breasts!

  2. I'm going to have to learn how to cook soon, and hopefully will be getting far enough where I can use tricks like these, ha! :) Also, that soup looks so fantastic... I've been hardcore craving soup - had three bowls of tomato soup yesterday!

  3. I'm always down for a delicious chicken breast recipe!

  4. I need to try this! I also just get thighs since chicken breasts come out dry every time for me.
