Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July Photo Project: Summer

The photo theme for July was summer, and while I've always been more of a fan of fall, your pictures (and this giant strawberry ice cream cone) swayed my opinion just a tad. Here's what you shared:

Jonah snapped this image on one of our beach days.

Wendy of Young Heart captured Fourth of July fireworks.
Abby of Becoming called this one "soaking in the summer air."

Alli of Reasons to Smile snapped a pic of sunset in the Outer Banks.

Amy of Reams Photo took this picture of her daughter Lucy.

If you want to share one of your summer photos, just leave a link below! I'll announce August's photo theme on Friday.


  1. All of these are gorgeous! Summer really isn't my favorite season, but after seeing these, I'm feeling that nostalgia and easygoing peace that only comes with summer and I'm loving it!

  2. Ooooh, I like the fireworks one too!
