Friday, June 7, 2013

Here and There

Jonah and I are heading to Savannah tonight to spend a few days with my family. I'm looking forward to the change of pace ... and the food ... and playing with a puppy who's all grown up. This is the first summer in a while that we don't have any friends' weddings or big travel plans, so we're taking a few quick trips here and there. We're visiting Denver next month with some friends, and I'd love to sneak in a trip to Nashville and/or Asheville. Do you have any summer travel plans?


  1. It sounds very laid back which is kind of perfect. :) No travel plans as of yet but I wouldn't mind heading to New Orleans for a few days.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Oh, I'm so jealous. I have been enamoured with Savannah for years, but still haven't been. I hope it's a wonderful visit! We're actually headed to a quick get-away this weekend in San Antonio. Still the south, but not quite the same. Haha. ;)

  3. I live in Denver! If you have time I'd love to meet for coffee or a cocktail.

  4. How fun! I think smaller trips that happen more often are super fun because it gives you something to look forward to all the time! Have a wonderful time!

  5. We're headed to Savannah tomorrow–I can't wait!

  6. you have always beautiful post photos and everything ... Porchetta it's so good I love "panino con porchetta"!

  7. We just moved to Denver. Get our numbers from Nate and Annie! would love to do dinner and explore some new spots- Shayne



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