Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Red Balloon

I watched The Red Balloon for the first time the other night. I know, I know, I'm a bad film geek. It was pure magic. Enough to make me want to throw a red balloon party and learn French. If you haven't seen it, do so immediately.


  1. Too strange - I haven't seen this film in years, but I was thinking about it just before I stumbled on your blog. Magical, isn't it?


    All this is Grace and Charm

  2. that picture is kinda, sorta adorable! i had never heard of the movie until reading this blog post (sad, i know), but I hopped on over to google to find out more about it... and the plot is so cute! hope to watch it sometime soon!

    have a wonderful day!

  3. Ooh, now I want to watch the movie! Like now. In my pajamas and on my couch with pillows and a blanket. Can that be arranged? :)

  4. I haven't seen this movie in ages and now I think I must see it again soon! I just clicked over to that Red Balloon Party-- love!!! Annd I'm actually in the beginning stages of learning French! Pretty excited :)

  5. I absolutely love the Red Ballon! Watched it so many years ago... and I absolutely love your blog too! You definitely have a new follower. Check out mine too, I think we have a few things in common :)

  6. I had first seen this back in '84 and I remember just laughing hysterically with pure joy. I guess following the red balloon just seemed like such a fun adventure to me.

  7. Ha! Yeah, this is definitely a cute movie. I used to watch it all the time when I was younger. I think my mom taped it off of cable or something.

  8. ha I feel like a nerd. I've not yet seen it, but will maybe add it to my Netflix que this weekend.

  9. Ooh, will put in the Netflix cue!

  10. I haven't seen it yet, thanks for the recommendation.
    Have a fabulous weekend!!

  11. So amazing! I hadn't seen it in years and appreciated it so much more than I did as a kid (who wanted dialogue).
