Wednesday, July 7, 2010

State of Mind

I've come across so many cute items lately channeling state pride. Now it's just a matter of which state to represent since my home, my heart and my history are in three different places.

[q.a. design; always fits; catstudio glasses; 1canoe2; catstudio pillows; love california; 1canoe2]


  1. I understand that completely! I just love those pillows...

  2. Ooh, I love regional "stuff," especially those california heart pillows (though my minnesota roots are drawn to that embroidered mn business). Your ice cream adventures are also tempting me mightily this morning!

  3. this is so adorable! yay for california!

  4. My mother-in-law bought a catstudio place mat for my home state and sewed it onto a pillow. It's on my bed now and reminds me of home every time I see it. Love their stuff.

  5. so cute! something different for each state that you love :)

  6. Seriously, I would KILL for an Atlanta or Georgia Catstudio embroidered pillow for my house. I actually found an Atlanta Catstudio glass at a thrift store one time and was so excited to have something new and fun to hold my desk pencils in. I heart Catstudio :)

  7. I made Hawaii and CA tee shirts last year because that's where my heart is and they're my favorites I've ever designed!

  8. fabulous post! i love all these goodies.

    xo Alison

  9. Yay for South Carolina! And your cute blog!!!!! :)

  10. I love all those things, too! I'd definitely get something for Washington State since I've lived her most of my life, but I'd also get Hawaii, since I was born there and spent my early childhood there. Fun stuff!

  11. What great ideas! Love the pillows!

  12. I love all of this stuff so much!! I'm like you - I'd have to represent at least two states, haha.

  13. i'm glad you stopped by and said hello! i'm a sucker for all things state-related too...i guess i'm heart/history=kentucky, and home=texas, although tx's quickly getting my heart too! i'm a new follower :)

  14. gotta have the texas pillow! deep in the heart of texas for me!

  15. Adorable! I love the one that's carved into geographic shape!

  16. I love location specific design. I always have.

  17. great collection of all things state. check out this super cute etsy site I can across today :

  18. I love those throw pillows -- I just picked up the latest MS Living and the theme for the issue is all things Americana. There are so many fun subtle ways to celebrate your favorites places.
