Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Questions and Ampersands

Update: The Seattle Art Museum contacted me and let me know that the sculpture's inner pole had rusted and needed to be repaired and repainted. They're hoping to reinstall it soon. Mystery solved.

One of the things I'll miss most about Seattle is the Olympic Sculpture Park. I live just a half a block away and it is my go-to location for afternoon walks. My favorite sculpture is a piece by Roy McMakin called Love and Loss, which features a big lit-up, rotating ampersand.

At some point in the last month, I noticed the ampersand was missing, which begs the question what happened to it? Was it in need of repairs? Was it stolen by an evil conjunction collector? We may never know.

[photos by: natalienerksa; M.V. Jantzen; Jenny Jimenez; cynicole b]


  1. Very cool.

    Also very cool is that the person who commented above me had an ampersand tattoo!

  2. My tummy started the grumble when I saw your header... totally random sorry! :D

    P.S: I'm having a very cute giveaway, come and check it out! ;)

  3. THat's fantastic! Gotta love an ampersand!

  4. Really, it's missing?! I haven't been down there in a while... I hope it comes back.

  5. Very cool indeed! oh I hope no one stole it!

  6. J'adore ampersands!!! I have earrings :)
