Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I've been looking for a bench to go with my dining room table for a few months now, but nothing has struck my fancy, except for all of these of course.


  1. Love benches with a dining room table! There is something about them that just makes a table more inviting and homey!

  2. I really like the first one! (Love the floor in it too). I used to have an old bench table that I bought at an auction as a dining table... worked really well as it was slightly thinner than a normal table and had to fit into a skinny/long space.

    Linda. :)

  3. i love the look of a bench at the dining table. if i found one i liked, i would definetly make the purchase :)

  4. the blue-ish teal one at the end of the bed is the best!

  5. Oh, that orange bench is fantastic as is the white bench in the first pic. good luck on your search!

  6. Aww, I love these :) It reminds me of my grandmother's house when I was younger- she needed dining room benches because there were so many of us!

    Maybe you could find one at a thrift or antique store and paint it one of these pretty colors? Good luck! :)

  7. I have been looking for the perfect farm table forever! lots of luck it will come when you least expect it.

  8. I love the idea of a bench at the dining room table! I love that teal one at the end of the bed too.

  9. LOVE that natural, wooden bench. I like the little pop of orange too :)

  10. wow. I never once thought about putting a bench in any room of my house. but of course! it looks so vintage and beautiful.

  11. LOVE the last two images. gorg.

  12. LOVE! I really love all of them!

  13. Ohh two and three are my favs!

  14. I love the fabric-covered one pictured in that last shot. It seems like it could fit almost anywhere. Nice!

  15. That is always the way to fall in love with something but you cant find something similar! These are lovely benches such a beautiful look!

  16. I agree with Erika - I looked for ages for the right table and chairs then found the perfect table and benches not so long ago. I'd never thought of benches but the lines are clean and the view from the window behind uninterrupted. There are some lovely things in these photos though....

  17. check out crate and barrel -- they have a couple of rustic-y and vintage-y looking bench options. I am just waiting for my wallet to beef up a bit before I take the hit :)
