Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Some French Women Must Get Fat


Last week, I offered to take a friend out for a birthday treat. The whole thing was really just a ploy to get myself to Francois Payard Bakery. The glass cases are packed with every beautiful French pastry you could ever want. Choosing just one dessert is the only downside. It took me a good 15 minutes to decide.

My friend opted for a gourmet ice cream sandwich, coconut and mango sorbet sandwiched between two coconut macarons. Did that just blow your mind? It was tangy, tropical and delicious. I know because, of course, we had to share. I had a slice of the hazelnut gâteau roulé, one of those gorgeous rolled cakes. It was incredibly light and creamy, and each bite made me lean back in my chair and say, "mmmm." If you're in New York City, get yourself there.


  1. Oh, yum! I wish I had known about this place when I visited.

  2. We have a little French cafe/bakery here in Atlanta that I visit once month or so. The food is wonderful but the pastries are out of this world.

  3. I think I gained a pound just looking at these pictures.

  4. I love the title of this post! I have always thought the same thing!

  5. i LOVE the title of this post. how could they not??

  6. looks divine. I have been wanting and needing to get back to NYC- art/food/shopping are calling my name- and I would say in that order. :)

  7. I'm going into the city next week and will definitely go there!! Fyi I think its restaurant week in Manhatten! Just thought I'd let you know! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  8. The title of this post made me laugh and laugh! HEHE!

  9. I think I gained a few pounds just staring at the photos! This looks delicious.

  10. This totally made me swoon :) I will definitely be there when I'm in town! Holy moly...

  11. Holy cow--Um-Yum. These look delicious!

  12. Good morning from Tokyo!

    Believe it our not, the French have a very large sub-culture within Japan~particularly Tokyo. There are many little gourmet bakeries, and some that are sweet and quaint. But they are all authentic and to die for! French pastries are our go-to for weekend breakfasts and some of us may be leaving with a few curves thanks to the delicious treats! Ha.

    Thanks for sharing the delicious looking pictures.



  13. Bon appetit! Did you see any French Frites? Sorry, my savory taste buds made me ask. Merci beaucoup for fabulous photos.

  14. It all looks so good. I don't know how you ever made a choice.

  15. 15 minutes sounds pretty reasonable to me. I've always thought it was unfair that French food seems the most naughty, but French women seem to stay so gorgeous. Chocolate gateau for me please!

  16. oh no- another bakery added to my roster! I honestly never understood how women stayed thin in this city. I'm at a new bakery every other day!

  17. seriously! and now I want an eclair and a croissant...
