Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hot Chocolate Challenge

I came across Travel and Leisure's list of the country's best hot chocolate the other day. I'm seriously disappointed in myself for only having tried two of the 30 on the list. This may require a nation-wide tasting tour. Do you have a favorite hot chocolate spot?

[photo courtesy of: the little nell]

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Merrymaking: Christmas Cards

I've never been consistent about sending out Christmas cards, but I keep thinking it's a tradition I should get behind. Who doesn't love getting things in the mail? So when the lovely people at Pinhole Press offered me the opportunity to make some cards, I jumped at the chance.

Pinhole Press has a great selection of holiday card templates and their site is really easy to use. I played with different layouts and photos for hours before finally deciding on the design above. I think it's sort of simple and cozy, don't you? I also ordered these return address labels for a little touch of New York Christmas sparkle. It's a photo I took leaving work a couple of weeks ago. I'm so excited to stick these in the mail!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving in Photos

We enjoyed a perfect, laid-back Thanksgiving with my parents. My dad did a great job of preparing the turkey and all the fixins, and my mom and I each baked a pie. The rest of the weekend included walks through the city, a handful of fantastic meals out, turkey sandwiches and the all-important Christmas tree selection. How was your Thanksgiving?

Also, we have a winner for the Shabby Apple giveaway!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkey Day

My parents arrived last night to spend Thanksgiving with us here in New York. I'll be basking in family time and lots of good eating for the next few days. I hope you all have equally enjoyable plans. Happy Thanksgiving! See you on Monday!

And enter the Shabby Apple giveaway if you haven't yet!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Favorite Macarons

A friend and I recently had an afternoon date a La Maison du Macaron. Brandi of not your average ordinary recommended the place to me a while back, and it quickly became one of my favorites. My biggest challenge is deciding on macarons based on either appearance or flavor. I usually do a little of both. Their creations are beautiful and delicious, and you can sit unbothered with a cup of tea and your color-filled plate. There are lots of macaron shops in New York City, but I'm partial to this one.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend in Photos: Washington D.C.

On Friday, we took the bus down to D.C. to see our friends Annie and Anthony for the weekend. It was a great visit with some of our favorite people, complete with delicious food (in particular, a fantastic meal at Founding Farmers), sightseeing and one gorgeous sunset. The weekend went by much too fast, but otherwise, it was perfect.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Giveaway!

Update: The winner of the giveaway is Heather of squirrel bread!

I'm thrilled to offer a giveaway from Shabby Apple, an online shop for women featuring beautiful and affordable dresses, skirts and more. The winner will receive the Francine, a versatile black skirt with a high waist and that adorable bow. For a chance to enter, just like Shabby Apple on Facebook (if you already do, just let me know) and leave a comment telling me where you would wear this skirt. Enter before midnight on Friday, November 25. The winner will be chosen at random. Good luck!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Seeing Red

I just heard about this book called A Shade of Red by photographer and illustrator, Alyson Fox. It features 100 women in different stages of life, from different places, with nothing in common, except they've all been photographed in the same shade of lipstick, Revlon’s #740 Certainly Red. Such a cool idea! I might have to go pick up a tube since it seems to work on everyone.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Argyle Admired

If you ask me to take my shoes off when I come to your house, you're gonna find me in argyle socks about 90 percent of the time. I just love them, despite any nerdy connotations.

[spotted here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Place to Stay: Hudson Merchant House

What really made the trip to Hudson over-the-top enjoyable was our stay at the Hudson Merchant House. I spotted the boutique bed and breakfast on Jamie's blog a few months back and bookmarked it for our fall trip plans. The completely renovated 1700s home is cozy and warm, yet clean and modern. It houses beautiful furniture, charming vintage accents, stacks of lovely, old books and two accommodating hosts (and their sweet dog, Shelby).

My breakfasts there were delicious, a selection of fruit and pastries alongside things like freshly baked monkey bread, a goat cheese and asparagus tart, and zucchini bread French toast. On Saturday afternoon, we stopped in to drop off our haul from the farmers' market and were greeted at the door by a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies. That's the kind of stuff that makes you want to go back to a place over and over again.