Friday, June 1, 2012

Soda Shop Date

Last weekend, the husband and I had an old-fashioned date at Brooklyn Farmacy and Soda Fountain. The building is a restored 1920s pharmacy and has all the charm and authenticity of an old school soda shop. It was a hot one, perfect for a vanilla milkshake and an egg cream (milk, seltzer and chocolate syrup) with a scoop of ice cream on the side. Their menu also features loads of sundaes, housemade sodas and even grilled cheese sandwiches. Just the right blend of adorable and cool.


  1. Ooooh, I want to go! I've been itching for an egg cream lately.

  2. Oh yum, sounds fantastic! Have a great weekend. xo

  3. Adorable! Can't wait to go w/ my hubby too! :)

  4. Aw! This is too sweet! Reminds me of a place I used to go to in my hometown of Garlnd, TX. It was a little pharmacy place too...though not as cool as NY haha.


  5. Awww this makes me miss my hometown. There's one in Orange County called Watsons I used to go to all the time. Your pictures looks so fun!

    - Sarah

  6. You guys are too cute. What a great date!

  7. LOVE your photos! I always miss these places when I visit Brooklyn.

  8. What a fun date! We used to order egg creams at the soda shop in my grandparents town as kids! Brings me back!

  9. So cute! I've passed by there several times but have never been in. I will have to make a point to stop in now!

  10. how much fun! i love experiences that transport us back in time. my grandma spoke fondly of visits to the soda counter for an egg cream when she was younger. i've never tried one, yum!

  11. Cute! That first picture is amazing, by the way.
