Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend in Photos

It seemed like it had been a while since Jonah and I had one of our regular weekend brunches, so we paid a visit to Pastis for brioche French toast and champagne with strawberry puree. After said brunch, we came across incredible chalk art, a postcard that really cracked me up and a dog on top of a piano. We also caught up with friends over pizza to hear all about their recent trip to Spain and Morocco, which left me with a case of wanderlust. How did you spend the weekend?


  1. Oh, I want a weekend like yours...

  2. Your weekend sounds fantastic--we also spent it lunching and brunching, beaching....beautiful weather here on the coast. Certainly didn't feel like June--more like April so we were outside at every chance.

  3. This sounds like fun! That dog on the piano is hilarious...just chilin. Gotta love NY.


  4. These are such great photos!! I want to live where you live!

  5. That last photo is my favorite! What a fun little slice of life!

  6. What a great weekend!! I'll have to try pout this brunch spot.
