Friday, October 12, 2012

London Calling

London has so many fun neighborhoods and spots to eat and see and be, I feel like we only experienced a little bit of it, which is a testament to all the great things the city has to offer. Here are a few:

We had several really delicious breakfasts in London, but my favorite was at The Modern Pantry. It's a beautiful space, and my soft-boiled eggs and soldiers and breakfast tea hit the spot.

We felt the need for all the quintessential/touristy London experiences, seeing Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, riding in a double-decker bus and attending a soccer match, very important to that guy I was with.

Jonah and I consider ourselves connoisseurs when it comes to chicken tikka masala, and the dish at Punjab was top notch.

Between all the quirky shops and brightly colored buildings, Notting Hill is a fun neighborhood to explore, and while you're there, daydreaming about Hugh Grant is totally allowed.

Jamie Oliver's Fifteen is an Italian restaurant, which employs under-qualified young people and trains them to be chefs. It was packed on a Friday night, so we ate our delicious antipasti, ravioli and pork loin at the bar. Great food and a really cool place.

My friend Ann, an American who lived in London for a few years, suggested going to the Broadway Market on a Saturday. It was full of yummy baked things, produce, meat, handmade items, clothes, live music and incredibly friendly locals.

Ever visited London? Any favorites? See my picks from Paris.


  1. Yes-been there, but not like your visit. Must put London on a return visit list-thank you!

  2. Your London experience looks so fun! I am dying over all that delicious food. I need to go back just for that.

    One of my favorites spots on my first visit to London was the Soane Museum - a packed to the brim house/museum of British Architect Sir John Soane. It's definitely worth checking out!

  3. This looks amazing! I just want to hop on a plane and go to London!

    Do you make the photo collages yourself or do you use a site? :)

  4. Glad you had a good time :) I moved to London in April and am loving it. You pictures are so pretty.

  5. I have officially moved London to the top of my dream travel list. Your trip looks amazing! (And I totally want that breakfast. Like, now.)

  6. Caroline,
    I make them myself with some help from Photoshop.

  7. Hi I'm new to your blog, and I love it!!! I wish I could visit London!


  8. John suggested London and I poo-poo'ed the idea; how silly of me!

  9. Yes, I was in London many years ago when I was 18 with my best friend. I loved the city. Would love to return one day. Glad you enjoyed your stay. Looks like you had fun.

  10. This totally takes me back to our trip we took there in 08. We never visited notting hill though. Maybe next trip ;)

    - Sarah

  11. London and Paris were highlights of our trip home (Scotland and Ireland) earlier this year so nice to revisit with you. Your London breakfast spot is run by a New Zealander (where we now live) - looks worth visiting on next trip. We enjoyed walking along the Thames (lucky to have a family member who knew a lot of the history of the area). Marylebone High Street has a nice "villagey" feel and good shops. I like exploring "behind the scenes" - the back streets. Shops are more interesting.

  12. It looks like you had a brilliant:) trip! So glad you went to Columbia Market and enjoyed it. I am missing those tucked away markets brimming with good food & atmosphere.

    The breakfast you had looks so scrumptious! I think that I'll be coming to you for suggestions before our trip back next summer!
