Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend in Photos

This weekend consisted of Thai food, two movies, glasses shopping and a yummy breakfast sandwich at Frankies. I worked on some fall projects I'm excited to share, fell asleep on the couch two nights in a row (so sleepy!) and had some long conversations with the husband about life and work and puppies because those are necessary every so often. How was your weekend?


  1. puppies! looks like a good one. :)

  2. Beautiful! I need a new pair of glasses myself. Where did you look?

  3. those orange mums are soo pretty.. we had mums. but then it got hot again and they croaked. hopefully fall temps will swing in soon and we can try again.

    always love glancing at your over the weekend photos..

  4. I love when you get right down to it and talk about it all–horray for another wonderful weekend!

  5. Sounds like a lovely weekend. I adore the photo of the steps. Oh to have steps like that outside my door.

  6. Lovely weekend! Every once in a while a good sleep on the couch is necessary. It's your sleeping "alone time" ;)
    -Michelle {LiveLoudly}
