Friday, January 18, 2013

Thoughts of the Week

A happy cake for a happy occasion.

Um, and this cake too.

Last one, I promise.

A clock for a math geek/my husband.

I love this bathroom family portrait, sheepdog included.

Who needs a vacation? Hot or cold?

How to make a seat sweet.

I'm so glad Portlandia is back.

I love the idea of revisiting your history on an anniversary.

Seattle hosted the world's largest snowball fight and made me wish I was there.

And a few orders of business, be sure to enter the cookbook giveaway if you haven't yet. And take some cozy photos for the January photo project. Happy, happy weekends to all of you!


  1. Your photos make me wish I lived in the city. Off to check out your links, happy Friday! :)

  2. we can never have too much cake, those all look so yummy! have a fantastic weekend!

  3. I love these links, great reaading for my weekend! Hope yours is fun! :)

  4. Loving these links–I think baking a cake is in order this weekend!

  5. Just when I think I want a "hot" destination...I see your "cold" destination and it makes me think THAT is exactly what I want. Both look amazing. And let's talk cakes.....I haven't ever made my husband a birthday cake, but this year, I think it is a MUST. :) These got me thinking for sure. Revisiting your past on your anniversary--Love that idea..and I can only imagine how much fun that is!

  6. Thanks for the link love, Natalie! xx
