Friday, February 15, 2013

Just Chillin'

Update: Lena of A Crimson Kiss is the winner!

I have a fun product to tell you about. It's called the Corkcicle, and it's a sleek and simple way to keep your bottle of wine at just the right temperature. Wouldn't it make a great hostess gift? It was one of Oprah's favorite things last year, so you know it's good. And in keeping with Oprah, one of you gets a Corkcicle of your very own! (I do really wish I could say "You get a Corkcicle" and "You get a Corkcicle!") Just leave a comment below before noon on Friday, February 22nd, telling me your favorite way to relax or what your favorite wine is. One winner will be selected at random. Good luck!


  1. I'm a pinot noir kinda girl, but this would be perfect in a bottle of riesling during summer!

  2. oh, this is awesome! i'd use this in a bottle of rose!

  3. what an awesome product! definitely checking that out.

    my favorite way to relax is definitely just drinking some wine on our back porch :)

  4. Count me in on the Corkcicle, Oprah always finds the coolest stuff! Favorite wine at the moment- Weingut Anselmann Dornfelder (German red). Favorite way to relax- cooking a nice dinner while listening to music (and drinking wine, lol).

  5. such a novel tool. perfect for keeping my rose chilled when eating cheese and wine outside in the summers.

  6. my favorite wine is cupcake's red velvet- yum! and my favorite way to relax is curling up with a good book or magazine and a cup of coffee. :)

  7. Oooh, fun giveaway! I'm definitely a fan of tv nights in my jammies with a big bowl of kids cereal.

  8. I've seen this before and think it's brilliant! I could really use one :) My favorite wine is Lambrusco. It's bubbly (and comes in red, white, and rose) but is a little more complex than champagne or prosecco. There's just something special about bubbles, right?

  9. i love baking smitten kitchen's favorite brownies. warm brownies from the oven are amazing!

  10. How genius! Since SF is always fairly warm, we usually have a bottle of rosé in the fridge–sipping it while I cook dinner always makes the day melt away!

  11. I've been wanting to try one of these! My favorite way to relax is with Australian sauvignon blanc on the patio in summertime.

  12. My favorite way to relax is with a glass of wine and a good book in a hot bath.

  13. I love to relax with a good book in my favorite chair.

  14. hmmm, watching a movie while drinking a malbec. :)

  15. I'm a sucker for a not-too-sweet riesling!

  16. I've never seen anything like that, but I'd love to try it out. I love prosecco:)

  17. What a fabulous product! My favorite wine is a Rose from King Family Vineyard in Crozet, VA. It was about a mile from our house when Mitch was in law school, so we went a lot. It is one of my happy places!

  18. I have been wanting to try this product out! One of my favorite local wines is Thousand Flowers by Hop Kiln winery in Russian River area in California.

  19. oh no! I think I'm too late! Either way - my favorite wine is Riesling :) And I also just got a bottle of chocolate wine for Valentine's Day that I can't wait to try!

  20. I had a really great apple wine at the Village Winery in Waterford, VA. Now that I live on the other coast, I've just discovered a Pinot Grigio by Barefoot that I highly recommend!

  21. I love any sort of full deep Malbec--preferably over a winter's dinner with friends.
