Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekend in Photos

Doughnuts, fun packages in the mail, take-out, music and conversation at a friend's place and brunch in Brooklyn. All good things on a windy New York weekend. What did you find yourself up to?


  1. I keep seeing that adorable Anthropologie mug all over the place! Looks like a wonderful weekend. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.

  2. Stop it with that dog photo--hahaha-so cute. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Is it bad that I could definitely use that mimosa right now--oh yeah--and that donut too. Looks delicious.

  3. Do I see Peter Pan donuts in that first photo? My absolute favorite! We moved today, so our weekend was crazy with cleaning and packing!

    Great photos!

  4. Eggs Benedict/weekend brunches are actually probably one of my very favorite things in life.

  5. Sounds like a perfect kind of weekend.

  6. looks and sounds like a lovely weekend

  7. looks like a great weekend :) hope you're having a good week so far!

  8. Oh it all looks so good, especially that mug in first pic. Lots of lovely little things that make up a weekend.
