Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monthly Photo Project: March

Despite snow flurries over the weekend, I'm still hopeful for an early spring. For this month's photo project, let's capture spring and all the loveliness that comes with it. I'll share your photos on Friday, March 29th. If you want to email me your photo and information in advance, I'd love to highlight images from a few of you. Send it to: southernhostess[at]gmail.com.


  1. Hoping to see some spring time blooms in lovely photos

  2. I keep meaning to jump in on this project, but I never have time. I'm making this month happen. :]

  3. UGH! I am dying for spring. We haven't had any substantial snow this year so I've stopped hoping for snowstorms and moved on to wanting spring blossoms. Fingers crossed for sooner than later!
