Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend in Photos

From these photos, it looks like we spent most of the weekend in a coffee shop, which I very well could have. One of our favorite neighborhood spots, Sweetleaf, just opened a new location about two blocks from our apartment. I was pretty excited about it. We also got in some more time with Jonah's parents before they headed back to Seattle. Yummy meals and macarons were involved. I read Saveur's latest issue, which is all about doughnuts and then fell asleep on the couch dreaming about them. Of course, this called for a late afternoon doughnut run. Napping and doughnuts: the stuff weekends are made of.


  1. That sounds like a great weekend. Mmm, you have me dreaming of eating a proper doughnut. I may just have to make some, since we're quite deprived of any good doughnut shops over here. Have a wonderful week!

  2. I would have no problem spending an entire weekend at a coffee shop. Oh wait, I did spend six hours in one yesterday - and then one more hour at night hahaha, problems. Loved reading this!

  3. We had identical weekends! We were at Sweetleaf on Saturday, and made not one but two donut trips to Peter Pan in Greenpoint :) Great minds think alike!

  4. Beautiful photos....Lovely weekend. And I am with you on the donuts--those sounds delicious right now.

  5. Man oh man, I've had donuts on the brain lately. I guess I'll have to go buy a copy of Saveur!

  6. Ooo this coffee shop looks amazing!! I'm only an hour from the city but the only coffee shop near me is Starbucks and that pales in comparsion to the real deals!! I'll have to remember this name!! Sweetleaf!!

    Ergo - Blog
