Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bakery Bites: Funfetti Macaron

It was my friend Bethany's birthday last week, so I picked up a couple funfetti macarons for her from Bouchon Bakery. Of course, I had to perform my own taste test first. Bouchon is one of my favorite bakeries in the city. It doesn't hurt that one's located a couple blocks from my office, but I love the way they reinvent and lend a little sophistication to sweets like Oreos and Ho Hos. Their funfetti macaron is another winner. It's just so darn adorable with a taste reminiscent of birthday cake. I like to think of it as the U.S. and France coming together to achieve dessert greatness.


  1. il bandito del bigneJuly 17, 2013 at 9:02 AM

    I have been in hiding because of my immigration status but I must comment positively about these macaroons (you know how much I love them) and now, these appear with mini-sprinkles.superb!!

  2. they are so delicious! and you finally turned jerod into a macaron convert with these funfetti macarons! thanks! :)

  3. Those macaroons are so cute and I love the plate!

  4. I am so jealous that you work near a bouchon...I live thousands of miles away, this makes me insanely jealous!!

  5. What a fun flavor! I'm obsessed with macarons right now, and how their flavors are always so unique!

  6. Funfetti is one of my favorites–but now all I can think of is that magical giant Oreo!

  7. Just looking at these makes me happy. Funfetti AND macarons? Dream come true.
