Monday, July 8, 2013

Long Weekend in Photos

Long weekends seem so necessary when one finally comes along, a way to check out for a bit and do things that don't normally fit into your weekend schedule. Jonah and I finally went to Mission Chinese since we could go wait in line before they opened at 5:30 on Friday. It was as good as I hoped, yummy noodles, ribs and cocktails, and perhaps my favorite touch, the Twin Peaks-themed bathroom, complete with theme song, which plays on a loop. We also spent two glorious days at the beach, just the two of us at Long Beach and a day at the Jersey Shore with friends, our annual tradition. It's always good to replace the concrete with sand on hot, humid weekends, and it was encouraging to see the progress made since Superstorm Sandy, but there's still a long way to go. Hope your weekend was refreshing and fun and near a body of water too.


  1. How cute is your swimsuit?? You look adorable! Great photos.

  2. I love your swimsuit!

    And those cocktails look so yummy.

  3. A fantastic contrast in scenery! Glad you guys got the best of both worlds this weekend - long weekends are so very necessary!

  4. As usual, this weekend looks delicious and divine!
