Monday, January 27, 2014

Weekend in Photos

When it's freezing cold outside, it's tough to make myself leave my cozy, blanket-covered spot on the couch, but I've been feeling stir-crazy, so I thought we should venture outside before it got all Shining up in here. We trudged out in the snow for a tasty brunch in Brooklyn, got caught in a flurry on the way home, and I promptly returned to my spot on the couch and thawed out for the rest of the afternoon.


  1. I am the same way and it's not even THAT cold here, haha. However, your socks are totally adorable.

  2. Haha. Even though I would love snow--I could see me being the same way! And beautiful photos.

  3. well thanks for putting up with the cold for these pretty pictures! stay warm :)



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